30 lat 160 cm Chief of Staff
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Świeżo upieczona mężatka, która niedawno otrzymała także awans;

something about me
by safona
knowledge is power
26 lat 161 cm Szuka pomysłu na siebie
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In New York
Concrete jungle where dreams are made of
There's nothin' you can't do
Now you're in New York

something about me
by new yorker
into the unknown
29 lat 165 cm pani mecenas | latham&watkins
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don't go yet, 'cause i wore this dress for a lil' drama
in a bed i bet that you think that you know, but you don't
i get what i want when i want and i get it how i wanna

something about me
by maruda
into the unknown
32 lata 173 cm cukiernik/właścicielka piekarni
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In New York
Concrete jungle where dreams are made of
There's nothin' you can't do
Now you're in New York

something about me
by new yorker
i wanna be where people are
28 lat 174 cm bodyguard
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when I'm out of breath, she's my vitals
when I need to rev, she's my ride-or-die
whеn I'm out of faith, she's my idol
i just killed a man, she's my alibi

something about me
by jula
into the unknown
33 lata 175 cm detektyw wydziału zabójstw
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The story of life is quicker than the wink of an eye, the story of love is hello and goodbye… until we meet again.

something about me
by new yorker
into the unknown
30 lat 160 cm Chief of Staff
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Świeżo upieczona mężatka, która niedawno otrzymała także awans;

something about me
by safona
knowledge is power
29 lat 165 cm pani mecenas | latham&watkins
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don't go yet, 'cause i wore this dress for a lil' drama
in a bed i bet that you think that you know, but you don't
i get what i want when i want and i get it how i wanna

something about me
by maruda
into the unknown
26 lat 167 cm dziennikarka New York Times na tropie!
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If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden.

something about me
by nope
money is the anthem of success
44 lat 177 cm adwokat, prokurator stanowy
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"Strong women only marry weak men."

Adwokat, prokurator stanowy. Zamężna, matka trójki dzieci. Obecnie mocno zaangażowana w kampanię wyborczą swojego męża. Wbrew temu co myślą inni wydaje się, że to ona sama kandyduje.

something about me
by f.
money is the anthem of success
31 lat 165 cm florystka, właścicielka kwiaciarni
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Each day, you'd rise with me
Know that I would gladly be
The Icarus to your certainty

something about me
by makabra
love is in the air
24 lat 160 cm kelnerka & hostessa vip
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Honey. You're too sweet for rock n' roll.

something about me
by wredna złośnica
love is in the air
46 lat 188 cm miłościwie panujący pan burmistrz
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In New York
Concrete jungle where dreams are made of
There's nothin' you can't do
Now you're in New York

something about me
by dawno i nieprawda
i wanna be where people are
36 lat 175 cm CEO CyberTech
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I promise not to go,
If you promise to stay.

something about me
by new yorker
money is the anthem of success
27 lat 170 cm rezydentka neurochirurgii | córeczka tatusia
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' Kobiety najbardziej przywiązują się do mężczyzn, którzy potrafią ich słuchać, okazywać im czułość i doprowadzać je do śmiechu. '

something about me
by f.
knowledge is power